Growth Analyser
Innovative healthcare software
Growth Analyser offers a wide range of medical software programs that help healthcare providers worldwide to document, monitor and analyse the growth and development of children and adolescents with ease.

Unique Features
Analyse, visualise, predict & share your growth and development data with Growth Analyser
Document and analyse growth & development data using statistics, including SDS, BMI and growth velocity.
Visualize growth & development with interactive growth charts. Choose from a large database with over 200 growth references for different geographic regions and syndromes.
Predict and evaluate target height and growth response to growth hormone treatment.

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Selection of our programs

VE – Viewer Edition
VE is add-on software to complement any electronic health record (EHR) system with interactive pre- and postnatal growth charts, analysis and prediction functionality.

EPRS – Electronic Patient Record System
Is an electronic health record system to digitally enter and organise all relevant medical data of endocrine patients. The data entered will be stored locally in an encrypted database and can not be shared directly with other users.

RCT – Reseach Calculation Tools
Is a toolkit which enables date analysis (SPSS / Excel) calculations (e.g. SDS, velocity), growth prediction and sample size calculation.

About us
Growth Analyser is an initiative of the Dutch Growth Research Foundation (DGRF), the expert on growth and development of children. To let paediatricians, researchers, patients and parents benefit from this knowledge and expertise, DGRF has developed a series of software programmes known as Growth Analyser. Growth Analyser provides health practitioners worldwide with effective tools to document, monitor and analyse the growth and development of children and adolescents (<0-21) with ease.
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Our Clients
Professionals in hospitals and practises worldwide make use of our programmes