About Growth Analyser
Innovative healthcare software
Growth Analyser is an initiative of the Dutch Growth Research Foundation (DGRF), the expert on growth and development of children. To let paediatricians, researchers, patients and parents benefit from this knowledge and expertise, DGRF has developed a series of software programmes known as Growth Analyser. Growth Analyser provides health practitioners worldwide with effective tools to document, monitor and analyse the growth and development of children and adolescents (<0-21) with ease.

Our Story
Almost 50 years of knowledge & expertise put into software
Back in 1969 the Dutch Growth Research Foundation (Stichting Kind en Groei in Dutch) was founded by Dutch paediatricians to stimulate research into the cause of growth and developmental problems in children, to evaluate existing as well as new methods of treatment, and to advise paediatricians and patients. Since then, this independent non-profit organisation has grown to be a centre of excellence for growth and development of children.
To share acquired knowledge and expertise and to support paediatricians and clinical researchers with the care for endocrine disorders in children, the registration, analysis and interpretation of growth and development data of children worldwide, DGRF initiated at the end of 2000 the development of the Growth Analyser software programmes. Today our innovative software provides healthcare providers worldwide with a clear and all-encompassing overview of a child’s growth status.

Our Software
What makes our programmes unique?
More than 200 growth standards
A distinguishing feature of our products is that they contain a large database of over 200 growth standards for different geographic regions as well as standards for syndromes with endocrine features (e.g. Achondroplasia, Down syndrome, Idiopathic short stature, Noonan syndrome, Silver-Russell syndrome and Turner syndrome).
Visualise a patient’s growth
In consultation with us, additional growth standards can be added to this database. Subsequently the software enables the visualisation of a patient’s growth and development in an interactive growth chart, which is a unique element of our products.
All Growth Analyser products are multi-language and contain international growth standards, which make them appropriate for international use. Our products are particularly useful for professionals in paediatrics, paediatric endocrinology, neonatology, dietetics and primary health care.
Secure software
Please note that both Dutch Growth Research Foundation and Growth Analyser B.V. are independent organisations. All medical data entered or presented in Growth Analyser EPRS are therefore self-managed by the hospital, organisation or person operating the software and are not accessible to third parties including DGRF and Growth Analyser B.V.